
Not All Perfume Bottles Are Created Equally

There is something elegant about a vanity or dresser that is lined with perfume bottles. While many wonderful fragrances come in interesting and beautiful perfume bottles, you don’t have to leave your perfumes in the perfume bottles they came in. With a little creativity, the perfume bottles that line your dresser or vanity can be as unique as you are.

Reuse Your Favorite Perfume Bottles

Often manufacturers will produce a special limited edition perfume bottle. These bottles are so pretty that it is hard to throw them away when you have finished with the perfume inside. Rather than throw them away, carefully refill them and continue using them. You don’t even have to refill them with the scent they originally came with. You can find many older novelty perfume bottles from companies such as Avon and fill them with your favorite perfume. Scour garage sales, thrift stores, antique shops, and even online auction houses to find old but interesting perfume bottles.

If you browse around an antique store, you might come across a few gorgeous atomizers or old fashioned stopper perfume bottles. Simply wash them out and let them dry for a few days before you place your new perfume in these golden oldies. It is a lot of fun to mist yourself from an atomizer that reminds you of the type your great grandmother had sitting on her vanity. When you purchase an antique bottle or atomizer, always make sure that the stopper is tight so that you perfume won’t evaporate from the bottle.

Make New Perfume Bottles

A visit to a beauty supply shop or even a glass manufacturer can score you several different looking atomizers and bottles that can be used to store perfume. If you buy a rather plain bottle, you can decorate it to your own taste. You can decoupage thin triangles of colored tissue paper to the bottle to create a stained glass look. You can paint the bottle with stained glass paint or even fabric paint for a textured look. You can even glue beads or other decorations to a perfume bottle to make it truly unique.

If you are really creative and enjoy different kinds of crafts, consider taking a glass blowing class and making your own perfume bottle from scratch. Working under the supervision of master artists you can make something that is truly beautiful and unlike anything anyone else will have or have seen.

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